Projects: LOOPS : LOOPS Teacher Curriculum Meeting Aug 20
This page last changed on Aug 18, 2008 by kbell.
Participants Concord Ken Bell , Jeffrey Schoonover, Barbara Buckley (Project Evaluator) Teachers - Glenbrook MS, Mt. Diablo USD: Mike Marshall Valley View MS, Mt. Diablo USD: Matt Hesby Martinez JHS, Martinez USD: Lauren Norse & Jefferson Hartman Albany MS, Albany USD: Eric Mapes & Marty Place Review LOOPS research goals and schedule: Ken Bell (15 min) Overview of WISE 3.0 functionalities: Matt Fishbach (30 min) Teachers test, Q&A, Teachers share curriculum materials: Ken Bell and UCB (30 min) Lesson plans, pacing guides and activity maps for 8th grade Physical Science i. Teachers report brief overview of Force/Motion (F/M) curriculum Teachers relate their materials to the standards. Teachers look for holes--topics not addressed at the level of the released questions. Also identify concepts they think kids have problems with What LOOPS feedback would help teachers? What teachers want from the three kinds of feedback: progress (where students are at in project) , knowledge / understanding (answers to notes, multiple choice quesitions), and skills (inquiry). Would additional software-based activities help? Several possible new tools: ---Motion detector and force and motion detectors together. ---Video analysis of canned and student-generated movies. ---Walking Man or something similar in 2D. ---Temperature probe for measuring frictional heating. ---Problem poser. Randomly generates lots of computational questions about F=ma and d=rt. Can teachers imagine six weeks on F&M that would merge their tried-and-true with LOOPS activities and feedback? What would that look line on a week-by-week basis? This coming year. Three pairs. 1. One week of Hanging with Friends WISE 2.0 in the fall. 2. One week of Hanging with Friends WISE 3.0 in the spring. 3. Six weeks in the spring doing a complete F&M. ** Goal: Teachers share their successful plans, how real-time data with accompanying technology tools can improve their instruction, and generate plans for effective curricular activities that would support using real-time data in instruction. Discuss integration of reporting/real-time data, integration into F/M instruction: Ken Bell and UCB (45 min) How would reporting possible modify their curriculum materials, and why? Ken shares and gets feedback on "Velocity Treasure Hunt" and possible preparatory activities for Hanging with Friends How do these LOOPS materials support inquiry and real-time data usage?? (Get feedback from teachers and UCB) Kevin presents plans on two options: Developing MS Airbags project, (to be piloted Spring 2009?) Lunch (12pm - 1pm) Meet with LOOPS project evaluator: Barbara Buckley (Time?) Discuss teacher needs and expectations (this seems to coincide with agenda items above? What specifically will Barbara want to discuss? How can we reduce redundancy, or tease out plan a bit more? Hands-On Activities: Ken Bell (Time?) Motion Sensors Probes Video Analysis Tools (with prototype curricular materials) Teacher Feedback, Q&A Logistics: Ken Bell, Kathy Benemann, and Doug Kirkpatrick (5 min) Computer availability and network connectivity at schools Providing Berkeley's mobile laptops; scheduling laptop usage i. (Look at MODELS calendar helpful?) Meeting MODELS Teachers' Needs: (Time?) MODELS adaptations of Hanging with Friends and WISE 3 version of Hanging with Friends (Albany only, but good to get Martinez's input) |
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